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Davidson Lee
Coach and Consultant

Let's Dive Into The Deep End Together!
Are you feeling ready to transform your life and add valuable concrete practices into your lifestyle routine? Do you want to become a wizard or ninja in your personal and professional life? If yes, I can help you! I offer personalized and customized hacks, steps and exercises with guided support to help you reach your full potential. Let me guide you towards your goals and let's work together to create a better version of yourself.
Introducing The Transformational Course

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Self Love
Module 01: Introduction & Coaching PlanDefining Your Coaching Objectives Assessing Client Needs and Goals Crafting a Customized Coaching Roadmap Setting Benchmarks and Tracking Progress
Module 02: Ritual Discovery & CreationResearching Family Tree & Ancestral / Traditional Rituals Clarifying your Intentions Planning Structure of Ritual Including Materials Conducting Ritual Reflecting & Integrating
Module 03: Boundaries SettingSelf-Reflection and Identifying Values Acknowledging and Evaluating Boundaries Role Play Analyzing and Adjusting
Module 04: Creative Visualization / Vision BoardingChoosing Theme Setting Intentions Collecting Materials Collaging And Organizing Images Visualizing And Meditating Manifesting
Module 05: Nourishment & Well Being MappingDesigning A Nourishment Plan Developing A Physical Activity Regimen Researching Aligned Food Hacks
Module 06: Personal Lifestyle AlignmentDeveloping Deeper Lifestyle-Aligned Values Building Milestones Map For Achievement Toolbox Evaluations & Edits Observation And FeedBack
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